Hair Transplant Manila Philippines by Manzanares Hair Restoration CenterThere are many myths about hair, and sadly perhaps, even hairstylists who should know better circulate some of this Hair Voodoo. Here are the scientific FACTS about the top 10 hair myths:


Myth #1: Brushing will lead to growing hair.

The FACT: The idea of brushing the hair 100 times a day to stimulate the scalp circulation is a fantasy. In fact, if you brush your hair too much, you may end up injuring and losing hair. This myth stems from the thought that hair loss was due to poor circulation and that brushing or massaging would improve blood flow and nutrition to the follicles. The truth is, bald or not, there’s no major difference in scalp circulation.


Myth #2: Vitamins and steroids will improve hair growing.

The FACT: Think about this – if you were losing hair because of a lack of vitamins or minerals in your diet, why wouldn’t the back and sides of your head be affected? In actuality, vitamin deficiency results in an even distribution of hair loss all over the head. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to take vitamins on a regular basis for your overall health. Your follicles width and amount are based on heredity. So claims of hair growing miracle drugs or natural hair loss treatments are untrue. However, steroids use can cause hair loss. Research has proven that anabolic steroids raise the levels of baldness-inducing male hormones. For those who are genetically prone to hair loss, this can speed up the loss in as little as 3 to 6 months. While this loss may be reversed, it can be permanent.


Myth #3: Hair styling solutions will lead to hair loss.

The FACT: There’s some truth and some fiction when it comes to hairstyling and hair loss. It is true that certain hair styles, such as corn-rows or tight ponytails, can cause hair loss known as Traction Alopecia. These styles put undue tension on the hairs. But as for hair sprays, perm solutions, or coloring resulting in hair loss, there’s no truth to that idea. These applications may cause some damage to the hair strands. But the all-important follicles, located under the skin, stay safe. And what about the idea that haircuts will make your hair grow back thicker and faster? That’s wishful thinking. Everyone’s hair growth and length depends on their own unique hair cycle, which is based on both nutrition and heredity. The longer your growth phase, the longer your hair growth.


Myth #4: More sex means less hair.

The FACT: Unfortunately, there is no truth to the idea that the more sex you have, the more hair you’ll lose! And the same goes for the rumors that the chemicals released during sex can affect hair loss. Science has yet to uncover any proof to this fantasy.


Myth #5: What about hair dryers? Are these follicular incinerators?

The FACT: The good news is there is no evidence that hair dryers cause thinning hair. However, too hot or too much drying may lead to brittle and breakable hair. Let common sense guide you and hold the hair dryer at a normal distance from your scalp and dry to your heart’s content.


Myth #6: Cutting your hair makes it stronger or grow faster.

The FACT: Bull winkle. It's hair, not a lawn. Exactly where this myth started is unknown, but is probably related to the observation of men's facial hair. There are different kinds of hair on your face and head. Hair on your head and facial hair have different properties. Cutting your hair will only make it shorter and hairs grows almost exactly half an inch per month, no matter what you do or take.


Myth #7: Tight hats cause baldness.

The FACT: This one probably started in the military where young men entering the service were required to wear hats and soon showed signs of going bald, or at least of hair thinning. This is due to coincidental timing. The age that young men enter the military is also the same age that male pattern hair loss begins. This is due to heredity, not hats. Hats do cause hair breakage and to a lessor degree to split ends.


Myth #8: Cutting your hair during a full moon makes it grow in healthier, fuller, faster or longer.

The FACT: Give me a break. I am not even going to dignify this one with an explanation. Hey, if they buy into this type of earth muffin drivel, by all means, let them mark the dates on their calendar.


Myth #9: Pluck one gray hair and two grow back.

The FACT: Folks, if this were true I would be pulling my hair out by the fist full. I need more hair and can always color the gray hair.


Myth #10: The Hair Loss Family Tree.

The FACT: For many years, our schools have taught - quite erroneously - that hair loss is always inherited from the mother's side. Medical science now knows that baldness genes are passed down from both sides of the family. They also can skip generations and are utterly random in terms of which siblings they will affect. It is quite common for a woman to keep a full head of hair while her sister begins experiencing severe thinning in her twenties.

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