Arrival at Manzanares Hair Restoration Center

When you arrived at our hair restoration clinic for your procedure, you will be welcomed by one of our patient advisors. You will then be interviewed shortly for personal and medical information while Dr. Manzanares and his surgical team prepare for your hair transplant surgery.


Pre-Operation Consultation and Review

To begin your hair restoration procedure, you will have a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Manzanares to evaluate your hair loss and individualize the procedure to your specific hair quality and density. At this time, a hairline will be designed through sketches. The number of follicles needed to cover the affected area will then be estimated. Dr. Manzanares will spend as much time in consultation with you as needed to answer all your questions and to thoroughly explain your medical and surgical treatment options, the transplant procedure, and the post-operative course in order to achieve your goals. Dr. Manzanares will listen to your wishes and ideas, take them into account, and make suggestions based on successful hair restorations he has performed.


Start of the Procedure: Donor Site

Affordable Hair Transplantation, Hair Restoration, Hair Loss Treatment, Baldness Treatment, Eyebrow Transplant, Eyelash Transplant, Facial Hair, Corrective Procedures in Manila Philippines, Asia and the PacificYour individualized surgical hair restoration plan will be reviewed and photographs be taken. You are then brought into the operating room where your scalp will be cleansed, the hair is trimmed, a local anesthetic given (or mild sedation if you wish), and a strip of hair bearing skin is removed from the back of the head for a Follicular Unit Transplantation. Once the strip removal has completed, Dr. Manzanares will close the donor area using the trichophytic scar method.


Dividing Follicles

While Dr. Manzanares is closing the donor site, surgical assistants will begin separating follicular units from the donor area. Using specialized Computer Aided Magnification (CAM), the surgical assistants will divide your donor strip into naturally occurring, individual follicular units of one, two, three or four hairs. Although this work is highly labor demanding, Dr. Manzanares finds that the payoff in terms of natural appearing hair growth is well worth the effort.


Recipient Site Creation and Graft Insertion

Affordable Hair Transplantation, Hair Restoration, Hair Loss Treatment, Baldness Treatment, Eyebrow Transplant, Eyelash Transplant, Facial Hair, Corrective Procedures in Manila Philippines, Asia and the PacificThe next step in the procedure involves experience, skill and artistry. Dr. Manzanares employs the lateral slit technique of hair implantation. This is the only surgical technique that mimics the proper alignment and distribution of hair as it occurs in nature, avoiding the "corn-row" look of vertical incisions. During this process, you will feel nothing while you watch television or enjoy listening to music. Then, Dr. Manzanares and his surgical assistants will place the grafts one by one into the recipient sites under magnification. Dr. Manzanares uses a dense packing technique to implant 25-40 follicular grafts per square centimeter, which results in 70-90 hairs per square centimeter. Finally, the scalp and new implants are cleaned and given one final thorough check. Then, you are free to go home and wait for your new hair to be fully grown.


Affordable Hair Transplantation, Hair Restoration, Hair Loss Treatment, Baldness Treatment, Eyebrow Transplant, Eyelash Transplant, Facial Hair, Corrective Procedures in Manila Philippines, Asia and the Pacific

Hair loss questions? Interested in our services? Need more info? Arrange a FREE Online Private Consultation or Visit Us at Our Hair Restoration Center!

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